catalin sanduphotography

fine art | nature | sports

Fine Art

Wait for the light, and photography will happen.


I shoot wildlife. Mostly birds. And other chance encounters with various critters.


It's the sweat. The effort. The many injuries. It's team spirit and the hard preparation that takes you there.


  • 2019

    • CAPA Audio Video Presentation Competition, Canada

      • Silver Award (Individual)

  • 2014

    • The EPSON International Pano Awards, Australia

      • 2 Bronze Awards (Open Competition)

      • One photo selected for the top 50 panoramas for this competition

    • Prix de la Photographie Paris, France

      • Silver Award - Sports Photography

      • Bronze Award - Travel/Tourism

      • Bronze Award - Fine Art - Digitally Enhanced

      • Bronze Award - Press/General News

  • 2013

    • International Loupe Awards, Australia

      • Bronze Award (Open Competition)

    • Prix de la Photographie Paris, France

      • Gold Award (Travel/Tourism)

      • 3rd Place, People's Choice Award (Fine Art - Architecture)

    • International Photography Awards, Los Angeles, United States

      • 4 Honourable Mentions

  • 2012

    • Toronto Camera Club

      • Bohdan Switajlo Trophy - Best Urban Landscape


Catalin Sandu appeared on the Toronto photography scene out of nowhere, taking everyone by surprise including himself. He’s actually still in recovery.

Catalin is the type of person who thinks that an artist’s statement is something you give to a police officer when you get a speeding ticket. So far he managed not to get any such tickets, mostly because he doesn’t drive.

Consequently, he’s still working on his first artist statement. His personal motto is, "your best photo is always the next one."

Member of
Toronto Camera Club
Canadian Association For Photographic Art